Canvas Course Manager Documentation

Canvas Course Manager (CCM) is a tool developed by University of Michigan Information and Technology Services - Teaching and Learning that helps instructors, designers, TAs, and administrators perform some Canvas course management tasks quickly and easily.

Only U-M uniqname holders can use CCM.

Tool Authorization

Like all third-party tools, the first time you access Canvas Course Manager you will be prompted to authorize the tool. You can revoke your authorization in your Canvas Account settings. Updates to the Canvas Course Manager code may require you to reauthorize the tool.

Renaming A Course

Renaming a course is helpful when multiple sections are combined (merged) into a single Canvas course site.

Who Can Use This Feature

How to Rename A Course

  1. Administrators can rename a course from the Course Manager landing page.
  2. Launch the Canvas Course Manager from the course navigation menu.
    Tip: If you are already in the tool, click the Canvas Course Manager breadcrumb link at the top of the screen to go to the landing page.
  3. On Canvas Course Manager landing page, click the Edit pencil icon next to the course name, edit the course name as desired, and click Save.